
Product Name: Dried Bean Curd Skin


Discover the versatility and rich flavors of Dried Bean Curd Skin. Also known as tofu skin or yuba, this traditional ingredient offers a delightful texture and a unique taste experience that is beloved by many.

Dried Bean Curd Skin is made from the skin that forms on the surface of heated soy milk.

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Product Name: Veg Braised Sausage


Savor the delicious flavors and hearty textures of Veg Braised Sausage, a plant-based alternative that provides a delightful twist to the classic sausage experience. Made with carefully selected plant-based ingredients, this sausage offers a satisfying and wholesome choice for both vegetarians and vegans.

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Product Name: Veg Drumstick


Experience the unique and flavorful Veg Drumstick, a plant-based alternative that captures the essence of the traditional drumstick vegetable. This versatile and nutritious option offers a delightful culinary experience for both vegetarians and vegans.

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Vegetarian drumstick, also known as vegetable drumstick or vegan drumstick, refers to a plant-based substitute for the drumstick part of chicken. It is a popular option for individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet who want to enjoy the flavors and textures of chicken drumsticks without using actual animal products.

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