
体验CB French Fries Shoestring 直条型薯条的完美口感!每包1KG的薯条选用新鲜土豆,经过精细切割和独特加工,保证每一根薯条都达到理想的脆度和风味。无论是作为开胃小吃、汉堡的绝佳配搭,还是独立享用,这款薯条都能让你的味蕾惊喜不断。


  • 优质原料:采用精选新鲜土豆,保证纯正口感。
  • 完美切割:鞋带状设计,脆脆口感更佳。
  • 易于烹饪:适合油炸、空气炸锅或烤箱烹饪,快速便捷。
  • 多样搭配:适合搭配各种调味酱和主菜,增加用餐乐趣。

使用建议: 将CB

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Our products are convenient, easy to prepare, and perfect for busy weeknights or when you want to enjoy a delicious meal without having to worry about the hassle of fresh produce. For more detail about our Hungritos Strainght Cut 10MM 粗直 薯条 2KG, please do not hesitate to contact us.